Doula care

A doula is a labor support professional

  • Physical support

    As your doula, I will support you however you need with position changes, counter pressure, massage, and hugs if you need them. I’ll help minimize physical discomfort by positively affecting your birth environment through lighting, room temperature, music, and aroma therapy

  • Emotional & Mental support

    Birth starts in the brain. This is a mental challenge. As your doula, I will help to keep you focused on the task at hand. Prenatally, we will work on releasing fears and addressing any past experiences or traumas that could negatively impact your labor

  • Educational support

    There is no one way to labor - and many paths to delivery. I am there to be your guide every step of the way. Offering reminders about your birth plan, explaining proposed interventions, and discussing benefits and risks with you, I can help you make the most informed decisions possible

Your Doula is on your team

A birth doula is a labor support professional who provides physical, emotional, and educational support to the laboring person and their partner for the entire duration of their labor. 

I am a certified doula. I am not a medical professional. Unlike a midwife or an obstetrician, a doula does not provide any clinical services (we don't check your cervix, take your blood pressure, listen to your baby's heart tones). But also unlike a midwife (well, some...not all) or an obstetrician, we get to know YOU. We spend months communicating with you about what you feel your specific needs will be during labor. We work with you to help you feel safe and secure so that when labor starts, you're confident.

A doula provides continuity of care. I have no “agenda” other than yours.  I am on your page.

As your doula, I will come to your home once you're in labor and help you labor at home as long as possible - as long as feels good to you (no, I can't check your cervix the way your provider does, but I do have other ways of gaging dilation - don't worry, I got you). Laboring at home will reduce the time you spend laboring in the hospital - and this will minimize unnecessary interventions. Everyone in the birth industry agrees that laboring at home as long as possible is ideal.

Studies show doula care improves outcomes

Just the mere presence of someone who knows the birthing person and understands their preferences drastically improves outcomes. Then, add in specialty skills that a doula has and we are systematically lowering c-section rates and improving outcomes for both mothers, birthers, babies, partners, and families.

Virtual Doula Support

If in-person doula services aren't what you need (you’re not local to southern California, it’s not your first baby, doula services aren’t covered by your insurance, etc.), I offer virtual doula services.

  • Two scheduled 60-minute zoom calls to get to know you and support you prenatally - one when we start working together and one at 34 weeks

  • Foundation building via nutrition counseling and guidance

  • Personalized birth plan, packing list, and labor tip sheets

  • Unlimited texts 24/7

  • Unlimited phone calls 24/7

  • Virtual and continual support during your entire labor via text and phone

I am a certified and formally trained Doula

But who supports the doula?

If you’re a doula looking for a mentor, support, or would just like to pick my brain, click here to send me a message.

I’ll reply with info on my doula mentor program.